I am VERY SANGUINE, that is the best description I could ever give of myself.....that is of my personality type i mean. To anyone with a primarily Sanguine personality, relationships are of grave importance. In fact, i find myself feeling alone and incomplete when i am feeling isolated, or disconnected from my usual social network or community. After all, God did not mean for any of us to struggle through, or soar through life on our own!
Sanguine: This is the
social-type. They enjoy fun, socialising, chatting, telling stories - and are fond of promising the world, because that's the friendly thing to do :) Passionate about relationship building, loves people.
So it isn't difficult to imagine the deep sense of regret and loss experienced by the Sanguine when a relationship is severed or damaged. I push and struggle even harder to make the damaged relationships work. Wasn't it God who commanded me to love as He loved, serve as He served and to give as He gave? For me, the pain is nearly overwhelming, threatening to consume me.....then i remember that my life is not lived for me, or to cater to my own personal personality type. God works in all situations, for my good and for His glory. So i pray for the power to LET GO, AND LET GOD.
Although admitting this truth breaks my heart...there are unhealthy relationships that the Christian, even the Sanguine Christians are responsible before God to walk away from. I am experiencing that pain in a very intense, and sobering way these past few weeks. God is showing me that the letting go is necessary, as he moves me out of the way so that He can work......after all, He is the Author of reconciliation. He is the Transformer of hearts, and the Worker of miracles.